

Hooks for Qubes-vpn-support to exclude specific hosts from the VPN tunnel (implementing inverse split tunneling). Useful for when the VPN network won't forward requests to the public internet as this configuration allows AppVMs behind a VPN ProxyVM to directly connect to the internet instead of going through the VPN.

Only requests over HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) are excluded from the VPN.

The canonical URL of this project is https://git.axenhus.com/qubes-vpn-exclude/


  • Requires Qubes-vpn-support to be installed and working.
  • dnsmasq must be installed in the ProxyVM (or template).
  • ipset must be installed in the ProxyVM (or template).

Installation and configuration

  1. Enable qubes-vpn-exclude in the ProxyVM by adding vpn-exclude-domains to the services tab in Qube Manager.

  2. Copy the qubes-vpn-exclude folder to the ProxyVM.

  3. Execute sudo bash ./install in the qubes-vpn-exclude folder in the ProxyVM.

  4. Edit /rw/config/rc.local and add a call to /rw/config/qubes-vpn-exclude/rc.local-hook right before # Start tunnel service.

  5. Edit /rw/config/qubes-vpn-ns and add a call to systemctl restart dnsmasq.service right after do_notify "LINK IS UP." "network-idle".

  6. Restart your ProxyVM.

Now you should have a new file /rw/config/qubes-vpn-exclude.list in your ProxyVM. Edit it and add the domain names that you want to exclude. After that run systemctl restart dnsmasq.service for the changes to take effect (or reboot your ProxyVM). Wildcards for all subdomains can be specified using the syntax .example.com. Comments are supported using #.

Technical notes

qubes-vpn-exclude is implemented using iptables, ipsets and dnsmasq.

Upon startup of the ProxyVM iptable rules are added to exclude the ipsets qubes-vpn-exclude-4 (for IPv4) and qubes-vpn-exclude-6 (for IPv6) from the forced VPN tunnel. By default these ipsets are empty and therefore no domains are excluded from the VPN tunnel.

When a DNS request is performed from an AppVM the ProxyVM will force redirect them to the local DNS server provided by dnsmasq. If the domain matches the list of excluded domains dnsmasq will use the local Qubes DNS server to resolve them. The IPs for the domain will then be added to either the qubes-vpn-exclude-4 or qubes-vpn-exclude-6 ipsets.

Any domain not matching the exclude list will be forwarded to the DNS in the VPN.

qubes-vpn-exclude has been tested with Fedora 30 but should work with any Linux-based ProxyVM supported by Qubes OS.

Code dump for some of my projects as well as a mirror for other random or interesting projects. You can find my site at jimmy.axenhus.com